Pricing Details

Meeting specific needs of every individual client

At Debt-Claims Solicitors we pride ourselves on our flexibility and our adaptable nature when working with clients.

Whether it is as a one-off payment and a case-by-case approach or a long term agreement, we will endeavour to create a payment package that meets the specific needs of every individual client.

For a quick look through our pricing, you can download our compact pricing guide here.

For a more detailed breakdown of pricing, download our comprehensive pricing guide here

Letter Before

Prices starting
from £12.50


Prices starting
from £85.00


Prices starting
from £2.50

Fixed fee advice (Pre-Action)

We can provide Fixed Fee pre action advice, please contact us for a quote.


Dispute resolution may be the first point of enquiry for any claim. We have experienced mediators and adjudicators who can support you or deal with your claim.

Unfettered legal advice

We can provide Fixed Fee pre action advice, please contact us for a quote.

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