Customisable Letters and Court Proceedings from Debt-Claims Solicitors

What really sets Debt-Claims apart from other law firms offering debt recovery is that we developed and own our case management system.

This means that we have complete control over all aspects and we regularly update and add new features so that it improves the collection process for you.

One of the most popular changes we can make for you is to add new templates specific to your business model. For example, we recently added ‘Gym Membership’ for a client so that the text in all our letters and court proceedings was relevant to a gym membership (or personal training) contract.

If you’re registered for the portal and you want a specific template type drafted, then get in touch with us today and providing that we don’t already have a relevant one on the portal, we’ll be happy to add it without any cost. Afterall, adding new templates benefits all of our clients and improves their collection experience.

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